The TSI Trader offers technical analysis of the stock market, gold and selected mining stocks using the True Strength Index (TSI).
The True Strength Index is a sophisticated 'low-lag time' momentum indicator.
Projected earnings of mining company stocks are provided weekly by Bill Matlack's Metals and Mining Analysts' Ratings and Estimates report published at Kitco and are used to highlight some mining stocks for study.
I've been spending whatever kazillion hours I (don't) have writing new True Strength Index (TSI) indicators for the past month. Actually, they are not indicators so much as experiments. Anyway, I wish I could report some promising breakthrough, but alas, I cannot. The trend line break, ZERO crossover and positive/negative divergence BUY/SELL, while never 100% reliable, are still the best techniques.
I have been thinking that the mining stocks have become stupid cheap once again, so when I saw some favorable price movement today I decided to load up on Direxion's Gold Miner Bull 3X ETF (NUGT) at a $12.50 purchase price.
Most likely I will flip this fairly soon - hopefully for a gain.